Arduino with Pololu Micro Serial Servo Controller

This is not a fancy project to demonstrate what can be done with the Pololu Servo Controller.  This is the bare minimum to get your Arduino working with the Pololu Servo Controller.  The rest is up to you.



  • Remove jumper from Servo Controller to place in Pololu mode
  • Connect power source for controller board and power source for servos
  • Connect ‘logic-level serial input’ pin to Arduino pin 1 which is used for serial transmit


  • The Arduino will not control the servos while the USB is connected to your computer.
    1. Upload your sketch
    2. Disconnect USB
    3. Restart Arduino
  • Slowly increment the position numbers to find out the maximums for your servo.   Not all 180 degree servos are the same.  I found the limits for my servo to be 1000 and 4700.


// Arduino pin connected to Pololu Servo Controller
const int servoController = 1;  

// location of Servo plugged into Pololu Servo Controller (defaults 0-7)
const int servo0 = 0;  

void setup() {

void loop() {

    Move Servo using Pololu Servo Controller
    servo = servo number (default 0-7)
    hornPos = position (500-5500)  {Test your servos maximum positions}
void servoMove(int servo, int pos)
  if( pos > 5500 || pos < 500 ) return;   

  // Build a Pololu Protocol Command Sequence 
  char cmd[6];   
  cmd[0] = 0x80;  // start byte   
  cmd[1] = 0x01;  // device id   
  cmd[2] = 0x04;  // command number   
  cmd[3] = servo; //servo number   
  cmd[4] = lowByte(pos >> 7);   // lower byte
  cmd[5] = lowByte(pos & 0x7f); // upper byte

  // Send the command to the Pololu Servo Controller
  for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ){


*    Set Servo Speed using Pololu Servo Controller
*    servo = servo number (default 0-7)
*    speed = (1-127) (slowest - fastest) 0 to disable speed control
void servoSetSpeed(int servo, int speed){

   // Build a Pololu Protocol Command Sequence
   char cmd[5];
   cmd[0] = 0x80;     // start byte
   cmd[1] = 0x01;     // device id
   cmd[2] = 0x01;     // command number
   cmd[3] = lowByte(servo);    // servo number
   cmd[4] = lowByte(speed);    // speed

  // Send the command to the Pololu Servo Controller
   for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){

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